This blog is different from all others in one way. It teaches you how to manipulation (might not be the best word) karma.

You can almost effortlessly create good karma doing what you do normally.Do you know you are constantly making merit without getting the good karma for it? Example when skipping a meal which many of us do often, Even not watching tv is good karma.

Include here are methods to fully utilise good karma and remove negative karma. All this good karma which we are constantly wasting could go into creating success in relationship, work, health, wealth.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Secret of Karma - where is our karma located?

Secret of Karma - where is our karma located?

Karma actually refers to the action of intention but in general usage it includes the intended action and the seeds that are left in the mind as a result.

How do we accumulate karmic seeds? Every physical and verbal action is preceded by mental activity.

Goodwill motivates a kind gesture; ill will motivates nasty words. Ill will is the intention to cause mental, emotional or physical harm. Thus, before and during a bad action, ill will is present in our mind.

The presence of ill will before and during this act has an impact and influence on the mind due to which a certain potential is left behind.

This potential is a karmic seed, a seed planted in our mind by physical, verbal or mental action.

The strength or depth of this seed is determined by a number of factors, including how strong our intention is, whether we clearly understand what we are doing, whether we act on our intention and whether the physical and verbal action is completed.

Seeds will remain in the mind until they ripen or are destroyed. Seeds left by negative mental events and actions can be destroyed by the four opponent or antidotal powers. The most important of these four powers are regret for the negative act and a firm resolve not to act that way again in the future.

Seeds left by positive mental events and actions can be destroyed by anger.

Even if we do not act on a negative intention, a karmic seed of diminished potency is still left in the mind. This incompleted seed is easier to remove. If it is not destroyed, a negative seed will eventually produce an unpleasant and negative effect while a postive seed will produce a pleasant and positive effect.

Karmic seeds do not go to waste even after one hundred aeons. They will come to fruition when the time comes and the conditions assemble.

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